Spyder Console: Underscore Does Not Contain Result of Last Statement – A Beginner’s Guide
Image by Kiyari - hkhazo.biz.id

Spyder Console: Underscore Does Not Contain Result of Last Statement – A Beginner’s Guide

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Are you new to Spyder and stuck with the underscore not containing the result of the last statement in the console? Worry not, dear reader, for you’ve come to the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Spyder console and explore the reasons behind this phenomenon, as well as provide you with practical solutions to overcome this hurdle.

What is Spyder Console?

Spyder is an open-source Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Python, designed to enhance your coding experience. The Spyder console is a built-in Interactive Shell that allows you to execute Python code line by line, making it an ideal tool for testing, debugging, and learning Python.

The Mystery of the Underscore

When you start working with Spyder console, you might notice that the underscore (_) doesn’t contain the result of the last statement. This can be confusing, especially for those who are accustomed to using other Python IDEs or shells where the underscore behaves differently. So, what’s going on?

The reason behind this behavior lies in the way Spyder console handles the last expression result. Unlike other Python shells, Spyder console doesn’t automatically store the result of the last expression in the underscore. Instead, it requires you to explicitly assign the result to a variable or use a special command to access the last result.

Solving the Underscore Enigma

Fear not, dear reader! We’ll explore three ways to overcome this hurdle and get the most out of your Spyder console experience.

Method 1: Assigning the Result to a Variable

The simplest way to access the result of the last statement is to assign it to a variable. Let’s say you want to calculate the sum of two numbers and store the result in a variable:

x = 5
y = 3
result = x + y
print(result)  # outputs 8

In this example, the result of the last statement (x + y) is stored in the variable “result”. You can then use this variable in subsequent expressions or print it to the console.

Method 2: Using the %p Magic Command

Spyder console provides a set of magic commands that can be used to access the last result. The %p magic command is one such command that prints the last result:

x = 5
y = 3
x + y
%p  # outputs 8

In this example, the %p magic command is used to print the result of the last statement (x + y). You can use this command to quickly access the last result without assigning it to a variable.

Method 3: Enabling the “Store last result in ‘_’ ” Option

Spyder console provides an option to store the last result in the underscore (_) variable. To enable this option, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences > IPython console
  2. Check the box next to “Store last result in ‘_’ “
  3. Click OK to save the changes

Once you’ve enabled this option, the underscore (_) will contain the result of the last statement:

x = 5
y = 3
x + y
print(_)  # outputs 8

In this example, the result of the last statement (x + y) is automatically stored in the underscore (_) variable. You can then use this variable in subsequent expressions or print it to the console.

Bonus Tips and Tricks

Now that you’ve mastered the art of accessing the last result in Spyder console, here are some additional tips and tricks to enhance your experience:

  • Use the %hist magic command to view the history of your previous expressions.
  • Press the Up arrow key to recall previous expressions and edit them.
  • Use the %debug magic command to debug your code and inspect variables.
  • Enable the “Auto-indent” option in the preferences to automatically indent your code.
Shortcut Action
%p Prints the last result
%hist Views the history of previous expressions
%debug Debugs your code and inspects variables


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve demystified the underscore in Spyder console and explored three ways to access the result of the last statement. By mastering these techniques, you’ll become more efficient and productive in your Python coding journey. Remember to experiment with the tips and tricks provided to take your Spyder console experience to the next level!

Happy coding, and may the underscore be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with Spyder console not displaying the result of the last statement? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why does Spyder console not display the result of the last statement by default?

By design, Spyder console does not display the result of the last statement unless it is explicitly printed using a print statement or the expression is wrapped in parentheses. This behavior helps to avoid cluttering the console with unnecessary output.

How can I enable the display of the last statement’s result in Spyder console?

You can enable the display of the last statement’s result by wrapping the expression in parentheses or using a print statement. For example, instead of just typing `x = 5`, type `(x = 5)` or `print(x = 5)`. This will force Spyder to display the result of the assignment.

What if I want to display the result of an expression without assigning it to a variable?

No problem! Simply wrap the expression in parentheses or use a print statement. For example, `(2 + 3)` or `print(2 + 3)` will display the result of the expression.

Can I change the default behavior of Spyder console to always display the last statement’s result?

Yes, you can! Go to `Tools` > `Preferences` > `IPython console` and enable the `Auto-prompt mode`. This will change the default behavior of Spyder console to display the result of the last statement.

What are some best practices to keep in mind when working with Spyder console?

Some best practices include using meaningful variable names, wrapping expressions in parentheses or using print statements to display results, and regularly cleaning up your console to avoid clutter. Happy coding!