Solving the Elusive Spring STS-3 MVC Pattern 404 Not Found Error: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Solving the Elusive Spring STS-3 MVC Pattern 404 Not Found Error: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of scratching your head over the pesky 404 Not Found error in your Spring STS-3 MVC application? You’re not alone! This issue has plagued many a developer, leaving them frustrated and confused. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to conquer this error once and for all.

Understanding the Spring STS-3 MVC Pattern

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of the 404 error, let’s take a quick refresher on the Spring STS-3 MVC pattern. The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture is a fundamental concept in Spring, where:

  • Model: Represents the data and business logic of your application.
  • View: Handles the user interface and presentation layer.
  • Controller: Acts as an intermediary between the Model and View, receiving input, processing requests, and returning responses.

In Spring STS-3, this pattern is implemented using the following components:

  • @Controller: Annotations used to define controller classes.
  • @RequestMapping: Annotations used to map URLs to controller methods.
  • View Resolvers: Configure the view resolution process.

Causes of the 404 Not Found Error

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore the common causes of the 404 Not Found error in Spring STS-3 MVC applications:

  1. Incorrect Controller Mapping: Improper use of @RequestMapping annotations can lead to 404 errors.
  2. View Resolver Misconfiguration: Incorrect view resolver settings can prevent the view from being resolved.
  3. Resource Not Found: The requested resource (e.g., a JSP page) might not exist or be inaccessible.
  4. Servlet Configuration Issues: Problems with the servlet configuration in the web.xml file can cause 404 errors.
  5. Dependency Issues: Missing or incorrect dependencies can lead to 404 errors.

Troubleshooting the 404 Not Found Error

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s walk through a step-by-step troubleshooting process to resolve the 404 Not Found error:

Step 1: Verify Controller Mapping

Review your controller classes and ensure that the @RequestMapping annotations are correctly configured. Pay attention to the URL patterns, HTTP methods, and request parameter mappings.

public class UserController {
  @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public String getUser(@RequestParam("id") int id) {
    // ...

Step 2: Check View Resolver Configuration

Verify that your view resolver is correctly configured. Ensure that the view resolver is enabled and the view names are correctly mapped to the corresponding JSP pages.

<bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
  <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/views/" />
  <property name="suffix" value=".jsp" />

Step 3: Inspect Resource Availability

Confirm that the requested resource (e.g., a JSP page) exists and is accessible. Check the file path and permissions to ensure that the resource can be served by the application.

Step 4: Review Servlet Configuration

Verify that the servlet configuration in the web.xml file is correct. Ensure that the servlet mapping is correctly defined and the URL pattern matches the expected request URL.



Step 5: Check Dependencies

Verify that all necessary dependencies are included in your project. Ensure that the required libraries are present in the classpath and are correctly configured.

Dependency Version
spring-webmvc 3.2.4.RELEASE
spring-core 3.2.4.RELEASE
jstl 1.2

Common Solutions

Based on the troubleshooting steps above, here are some common solutions to the 404 Not Found error:

  • Fix Controller Mapping: Review and correct @RequestMapping annotations to ensure correct URL patterns and HTTP methods.
  • Configure View Resolver: Ensure that the view resolver is correctly configured, including the view prefix, suffix, and correct view names.
  • Create Missing Resources: Create the missing resource (e.g., JSP page) or ensure it is accessible.
  • Update Servlet Configurationrong>: Verify that the servlet configuration in the web.xml file is correct, including the servlet mapping and URL pattern.
  • Resolve Dependency Issues: Ensure that all necessary dependencies are included in the project and correctly configured.


The 404 Not Found error in Spring STS-3 MVC applications can be frustrating, but by following the troubleshooting steps and solutions outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the issue. Remember to carefully review your controller mapping, view resolver configuration, resource availability, servlet configuration, and dependencies to ensure that your application is correctly configured.

By mastering the Spring STS-3 MVC pattern and understanding the common causes and solutions to the 404 Not Found error, you’ll be able to build robust and scalable applications with confidence.

Additional Resources

For further learning and reference, here are some additional resources:

Happy coding, and may the 404 error be a thing of the past!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to bloom your spring sts-3 MVC pattern with answers to the most common 404 not found error questions!

Q1: What is the main reason for 404 not found error in Spring STS-3 MVC pattern?

The main reason for 404 not found error in Spring STS-3 MVC pattern is incorrect mapping of the controller or the request URL. This error occurs when the server is unable to find the requested resource, which can be due to typos, incorrect package names, or missing annotations.

Q2: How to resolve the 404 not found error due to incorrect controller mapping?

To resolve the 404 not found error due to incorrect controller mapping, ensure that the controller class is annotated with @Controller, and the request mapping is correctly defined using the @RequestMapping annotation. Also, verify that the controller class is correctly placed in the component-scan base package.

Q3: What is the role of DispatcherServlet in Spring STS-3 MVC pattern?

The DispatcherServlet is the front controller in Spring STS-3 MVC pattern, responsible for receiving incoming requests and delegating them to the appropriate controllers. It acts as an entry point for all incoming requests and is configured in the web.xml file.

Q4: How to configure the DispatcherServlet in Spring STS-3 MVC pattern?

To configure the DispatcherServlet in Spring STS-3 MVC pattern, you need to add the following elements in the web.xml file: servlet definition, servlet mapping, and contextConfigLocation. The contextConfigLocation element specifies the location of the application context configuration file.

Q5: What are the common mistakes that lead to 404 not found error in Spring STS-3 MVC pattern?

The common mistakes that lead to 404 not found error in Spring STS-3 MVC pattern include incorrect controller mapping, missing or incorrect annotations, incorrect request URL, typo in the controller class or method name, and incorrect configuration of the DispatcherServlet.

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