The Sphinx Autoflask Conundrum: Only Making One Page for All Endpoints?
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The Sphinx Autoflask Conundrum: Only Making One Page for All Endpoints?

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Are you tired of dealing with Sphinx Autoflask’s quirky behavior, where it insists on generating only one page for all your endpoints? Well, you’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon and provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions to overcome this limitation and unleash the full potential of Sphinx Autoflask.

Understanding Sphinx Autoflask’s Magic

Sphinx Autoflask is a fantastic tool that automates the process of generating documentation for your Flask API. It’s like having a personal documentation assistant that takes care of the tedious task of documenting your endpoints, parameters, and responses. However, as with any magic trick, there’s a catch. Sphinx Autoflask has a few limitations, one of which is its tendency to create only one page for all endpoints.

The Root Cause of the Issue

The reason Sphinx Autoflask behaves in this way is due to its default configuration. By design, Sphinx Autoflask is meant to generate a single page for all endpoints, making it easy to navigate and browse through your API documentation. While this approach has its advantages, it can be limiting, especially when dealing with large, complex APIs with multiple endpoints.

Overcoming the Limitation: One Page Per Endpoint

Fear not, dear reader! With a few tweaks and clever configurations, you can coax Sphinx Autoflask into generating one page per endpoint. Get ready to unleash the full power of Sphinx Autoflask and create a comprehensive, user-friendly documentation for your API.

Step 1: Update Your File

To start, you’ll need to update your `` file to include the necessary configurations. Add the following lines to enable Sphinx Autoflask to generate separate pages for each endpoint:

autoflask_mockviews = True
autoflask_url_prefix = '/'
autoflask_endpoint-docs = True

These configurations tell Sphinx Autoflask to:

  • Use mock views to generate separate documentation for each endpoint
  • Append the URL prefix to each endpoint’s URL
  • Generate separate documentation for each endpoint

Step 2: Create a Custom Autoflask Configuration

Create a new file called `` in the same directory as your `` file. In this file, add the following code:

import os
from sphinx_autoflask import autoflask

def setup(app):

This custom configuration file tells Sphinx Autoflask to use the updated configurations from your `` file and generate separate documentation for each endpoint.

Step 3: Update Your Makefile

Next, update your `Makefile` to include the following target:

    @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in _build/html."

This target tells Sphinx Autoflask to generate HTML documentation using the custom configurations from your `` file.

Step 4: Run the Makefile Target

Finally, run the `make html` target to generate the HTML documentation:

$ make html

This will generate separate HTML pages for each endpoint, with detailed documentation for each API endpoint.

Adding a Touch of Style: Customizing Your Documentation

Now that you’ve overcome the limitation of Sphinx Autoflask, let’s talk about customization. You can tailor your documentation to fit your brand’s style and tone using Sphinx’s built-in features and extensions.

Customizing the Theme

Sphinx comes with a range of built-in themes that you can use to customize the look and feel of your documentation. For example, you can use the `alabaster` theme to give your documentation a clean, modern look:

html_theme = 'alabaster'

Add this line to your `` file to switch to the `alabaster` theme.

Adding Custom CSS

If you want to add custom CSS styles to your documentation, you can do so by creating a `custom.css` file in your `static` directory. For example:

h1 {
    color: #333;
    font-size: 36px;

This custom CSS file changes the color and font size of all `h1` headings in your documentation.


In conclusion, Sphinx Autoflask’s limitation of generating only one page for all endpoints can be overcome with a few clever configurations and tweaks. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can unleash the full power of Sphinx Autoflask and create comprehensive, user-friendly documentation for your API. Remember to customize your documentation to fit your brand’s style and tone using Sphinx’s built-in features and extensions.

Additional Resources

For more information on Sphinx Autoflask and its extensive range of features, check out the following resources:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why does Sphinx Autoflask generate only one page for all endpoints by default?

A: Sphinx Autoflask generates only one page for all endpoints by default to make it easy to navigate and browse through your API documentation. However, this limitation can be overcome by updating your configurations and using custom templates.

Q: Can I customize the look and feel of my documentation using Sphinx Autoflask?

A: Yes, you can customize the look and feel of your documentation using Sphinx Autoflask’s built-in features and extensions. You can choose from a range of themes, add custom CSS styles, and more.

Q: What is the difference between Sphinx Autoflask and Sphinx?

A: Sphinx Autoflask is a plugin for Sphinx that automates the process of generating documentation for your Flask API. Sphinx is a documentation generator that can be used to create documentation for a wide range of projects.

Plugin/Tool Description
Sphinx Autoflask A plugin for Sphinx that automates the process of generating documentation for Flask APIs
Sphinx A documentation generator that can be used to create documentation for a wide range of projects

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you overcome the limitation of Sphinx Autoflask and create comprehensive, user-friendly documentation for your API. Happy documenting!

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Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with Sphinx autoflask? You’re not alone! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

Why does Sphinx autoflask only create one page for all my endpoints?

Sphinx autoflask is designed to generate documentation for Flask APIs. By default, it creates a single page for all endpoints to provide a concise overview of your API. If you want to customize this behavior, you can use the `autoflask_show_subsections` option in your `` file to generate separate pages for each endpoint.

Can I customize the single page generated by Sphinx autoflask?

Absolutely! You can customize the generated page by using Sphinx’s built-in templating engine or by creating your own custom templates. You can also use CSS and JavaScript to enhance the appearance and functionality of the page.

How do I separate my endpoints into different sections on the single page?

You can use the `autoflask_section_title` option in your `` file to specify a title for each section. Additionally, you can use the `autoflask_endpoints_group_by` option to group your endpoints by module, package, or category.

Can I generate separate pages for specific endpoints or groups of endpoints?

Yes, you can use the `autoflask_exclude_endpoints` and `autoflask_include_endpoints` options in your `` file to selectively include or exclude specific endpoints from the generated documentation. You can also use Sphinx’s built-in `include` and `exclude` directives to control the content of your documentation.

What if I need more advanced customization options?

No problem! Sphinx autoflask is highly extensible and customizable. You can write your own custom plugins to modify the behavior of the documentation generator. You can also use Sphinx’s built-in plugin architecture to create custom plugins that meet your specific needs.